Comments about Lincoln Mclean

Anyone wishing to add a comment about Lincoln Mclean either use the comments or mail me.

If you have had dealings with Lincoln McLean please dont leave without making a comment. This is currently the only information pool, about his activities available on the web, (that I know of, (update ...theres now another)). Your information could help others.

Thanks in advanced


Sunday, 15 February 2009

A Warning About Lincoln McLean

Lincoln McLean of 20 Vauxhall Crescent, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1EY and 40 Napier Road Gillingham, Kent ME7 4HD trades under the following business names:

Lincoln McLean (Interiors)
Lincoln McLean (Distributors)
Lincoln McLean Kitchens
Lincoln McLean Bathrooms

Lincoln McLean is bankrupt and judging by the below posts has deceived many of his customers out of tens of thousands of pounds.

Lincoln McLean currently has 14 County Court Judgments against him totalling £35,000.

Lincoln Mclean - Individual Insolvency Register

Best to start here I suppose as taking him to court is not an option. If he has any money he's got it all nicely hidden and the houses are not in his name.


Post date changed to keep it at top of blog