Comments about Lincoln Mclean

Anyone wishing to add a comment about Lincoln Mclean either use the comments or mail me.

If you have had dealings with Lincoln McLean please dont leave without making a comment. This is currently the only information pool, about his activities available on the web, (that I know of, (update ...theres now another)). Your information could help others.

Thanks in advanced


Sunday, 20 April 2008

Lincoln Excuses from Abdul

Abdul said...
he is very clever in the way he tries to get you to pay up front even though that wasnt the agreement.......even though im out of pocket I guess I should be greatful I didnt pay all of it.
Here are some great Lincon Excuses, I should have noted them all down:

1. Clayton's (his fitter) van has been stolen so he cant come to site and hence lincon has to cancel deliveries
2. Clayton's tools have been stolen which also means lincon has to cancel deliveries
3.fitters Car has conveniently gone in for MOT on the day he is supposed to come (even though the catr had been previously stolen)
4.This is a great one....Lincon is on his way to site with some of the deliveries....apparently he spent 4-5 hours driving (even though kent is just over an hour away) and when he is nearby he is stuck in major traffic.. phones me to say much there is too much traffic so he has to turn back.
5. He has been stopped by police for talking on the phone while driving so he cant make delivery
6. He has spent the whole day at the police station giving a statement so he cant arrange any deliveries
7. Delivery of doors and panels are delayed as they havnt been dispatched from Italy. It turned out the company he was using was near manchester (
would be good to get other excuses people have heard
18 April 2008 15:45

Copied from comments clicking the title will take you to the origional comments.....

Well has anyone got any other excuses to add to the list?

Monday, 14 April 2008 link dead

It appears on my initial checks that Lincoln Mclean is no more at

The link is dead and I cant find him in any searches on their website.

Another one bites the dust ... the screws are tightening.

Funny Comment

This comment was left by someone (I wonder who) and was signed with the intention of making it look like I posted it ... Well I diddnt. Anyway I repost it here because its quite funny.

Anonymous said...
Hi you have been looking at my blogs before and I have to say that I am sorry for posting these.I am in a court battle with Lincoln McLean and don't wish to go on any more so I am stopping this campain with Lincoln.He has got a privert investigater on the case and I can't go on with this any more.I was not ripped off by this guy and I was am sorry for the trouble I have coured to Mr Lincoln McLean.Posted by Mr ripp edoff at 05:47
11 April 2008 13:59

And here's my reply

Mr Ripp Edoff said...
Hmmm .. interesting comment left by Anonymous and signed by me. As you can tell It wasn't posted by me otherwise "mr rippedoff said" would be at the top. Now I wonder who would leave a comment like that
11 April 2008 17:46

Clicking the title above will take you to the origional comments

Comment from Abdul

Abdul said...
The guy is a complete waste of space....has left me with undelivered goods plus unfitted kitchens......I had to offer him more money in order to get deliveries...its the only language he understands.....i think he must have a book of excuses as I've heard the most rediculous excuses and they all seemed to happen when he sets a date to deliver or do work.....
10 April 2008 13:24

Clicking the Title above will take you to the origional comment.